Microneedle with Exosomes

SkinPen Needling

University Park - Dallas, TX

At Body Lounge Park Cities we aim to help you look and feel your best. That’s why we’re proud to offer microneedling and microneedling for skin rejuvenation. Whether you’re looking to address signs of aging or wish to correct discoloration and other skin blemishes, we can use this advanced technology to help your skin look great.


Signs and Symptoms You Need SkinPen Microneedling

Uneven Skin Texture

If you're bothered by rough or uneven skin texture, SkinPen microneedling can help stimulate collagen production and improve skin smoothness.

Acne Scarring

SkinPen can be effective in reducing the appearance of acne scars by promoting skin regeneration and minimizing scar tissue.

Fine Lines + Wrinkles

SkinPen microneedling can help address fine lines and wrinkles by encouraging the production of collagen and elastin, improving skin's elasticity.

Enlarged Pores

If you have enlarged pores, microneedling can help tighten and refine the skin, making pores less noticeable.

Sun Damage

Microneedling can assist in reducing the appearance of sun damage and hyperpigmentation by promoting even skin tone and texture.

Loss of Skin Firmness

Neurotoxins can help reduce muscle activity, which can contribute to skin sagging, while fillers can add structure and support to sagging areas, resulting in a more lifted and firmer appearance.


XO Facial

Microneedling + Exosomes

University Park Dallas, TX

If you follow the latest developments in aesthetics, you probably know that “exosomes” is one of the latest buzzwords. And for good reason! 

Exosomes are nanoparticals that activate our body’s healing and regeneration response. They contain a nutrient-rich mix of peptides, proteins, lipids, and growth factors. Plus, they are 100 times more potent than PRP treatments and vampire facials. Microneedling with exosomes targets fine lines, sun damage, and acne scars. 

At Body Lounge we use “Age-Zero” exosomes to be applied topically in conjunction with face, neck, hands, hair restoration, laser treatments, and décolletage. The exosomes not only deliver amazing growth factors, they also promote recovery time and enhance treatment results by working in unison to turn back the clock on appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, tone, texture, and brightness.

Exosomes can be added to any aesthetics treatment.  


Microneedling is a minimally-invasive skin resurfacing treatment aimed at treating signs of aging and improving the appearance of your face. At our office, we use the SkinPen® to perform our microneedling procedures. This procedure is also known as collagen induction therapy, as it works by creating mini injuries to the targeted areas to encourage the skin’s natural healing process.

Over time, our bodies lose the ability to create collagen and elastin, the two components that help keep our skin firm, smooth, and supple. In the microneedling process, the micro-injuries created by the SkinPen® help to activate and release growth factors that lead to the rebuilding of collagen and elastin in the skin.


Benefits of the SkinPen microneedle procedure are numerous. Thanks to SkinPen's advanced medical-grade technology, you'll enjoy the youthful glow of a healthier appearance. These benefits include:

  • Suitable for all skin types

  • Minimal epidermal damage

  • Comfortable procedure with topical anesthetics

  • Quick sessions (30 minutes to an hour)

  • Versatile for various body areas

  • Low risk of side effects or scarring

Almost any healthy adult is a potential candidate, making microneedling a safe alternative to laser resurfacing for rejuvenation. After the procedure, most people experience minimal downtime. Mild swelling and redness are common but temporary. Results become visible within days, with continuing collagen rebuilding over several months, leading to revitalized skin.


Microneedle with PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma) or Peptides

Microneedling with PRP, known as the "Vampire Facial," combines microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a concentrated serum rich in growth factors and cytokines. These factors promote cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation, along with stimulating collagen production and tissue regeneration. PRP is obtained by centrifuging the patient's peripheral blood, and the resulting serum is applied during microneedling. This enhances the natural healing process, boosts collagen creation, and aids soft tissue regeneration. Additionally, PRP is effective for stimulating hair growth in individuals experiencing hair loss.

What Our Customers Say



Don't wait to start your journey towards enhanced wellness and rejuvenation. Our dedicated team at Body Lounge is ready to guide you every step of the way. Take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you - book your appointment with us today!