
University Park- Dallas, TX

Body Lounge is proud to offer Alma Harmony XL. The IPL that attacks pigment of all shades & colors with it’s amazing Dye VL handpiece. The Dye Vl sets the gold standard for treating a variety of skin conditions associated with aging and sun damage.


Signs and Symptoms You Need IPL/Photofacial

Sun Damage

Alma Harmony XL IPL can effectively treat signs of sun damage, such as sunspots and freckles, caused by prolonged sun exposure.

Uneven Skin Tone

If you have an uneven skin tone with patches of hyperpigmentation or redness, IPL can help even out your complexion.

Acne and Acne Scars

IPL can target active acne and reduce the appearance of acne scars, helping to improve the overall texture and appearance of your skin.


If you suffer from rosacea, IPL can provide relief by reducing redness and inflammation, leading to a calmer complexion.

Unwanted Hair

IPL can permanently reduce unwanted hair on various body areas, providing long-lasting hair removal results.

Skin Rejuvenation

For overall skin rejuvenation, IPL can stimulate collagen production, giving your skin a more youthful and radiant appearance.


The Alma Harmony XO can treat the face and larger areas of the body such as the arms, legs, chest, and back in a matter of minutes and offers dramatic results after just one treatment. The Harmony XL Photofacial enables the correction of multiple skin conditions such as acne, age spots, freckles, vascular lesions such as cherry angiomas, and rosacea. The Harmony XL is a non-invasive and painless treatment that restores and revitalizes the skin and can be combined with other treatments, such as Radiofrequency & Pixel RF, for enhanced results.

Alma Harmony XL

Dye VL Photofacial

Alma Lasers DYE VL combines Pulsed Dye Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technologies for effective treatment of various skin conditions like vascular and pigmented lesions, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation. Photofacial/IPL treatments are recommended for individuals over 30 with moderately pigmented skin to correct photo damage caused by factors like sun exposure and genetics. Dye VL uses pulsed light to target and reduce vascular and pigmented lesions without harming healthy skin. The treatment is safe, with consistent and visible results, requiring 3-6 sessions spaced three to four weeks apart for optimal outcomes. After treatment, patients can immediately resume regular activities.


What Our Customers Say



Don't wait to start your journey towards enhanced wellness and rejuvenation. Our dedicated team at Body Lounge is ready to guide you every step of the way. Take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you - book your appointment with us today!