Non-surgical Buttlift

University Park- Dallas, TX

Getting a perfectly plump booty used to require invasive procedures like butt implants and Brazilian Butt-Lift fat grafting treatments. But injectable biostimulators are making those procedures a thing of the past.


Signs and Symptoms You Need Non-surgical Butt-lift Option

Stubborn Fat Deposits

If you have areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise, Lipodissolve may be an effective option to target and reduce these stubborn fat deposits.

Body Contouring Goals

Lipodissolve can be suitable for individuals seeking body contouring to achieve a more sculpted and toned appearance.

Non-surgical Preference

If you prefer a non-surgical approach to fat reduction and body contouring, Lipodissolve offers a minimally invasive alternative to traditional liposuction.

Targeted Fat Reduction

Lipodissolve allows for precise and targeted fat reduction in specific areas of the body, making it ideal for spot treatments.

Improved Appearance

If you are bothered by localized areas of excess fat that affect your body's overall appearance, Lipodissolve can help enhance your aesthetic goals.

Good Overall Health

Candidates for Lipodissolve should be in good overall health, as this procedure is generally well-tolerated and suitable for individuals with a range of medical backgrounds.


Non-surgical Buttlift

Sculptra and HD Radiesse are unique fillers that stimulate collagen production by using poly-L-lactic acid to activate the immune system. Rather than simply adding volume, this innovative approach enhances skin structure, volume, and texture by naturally increasing collagen levels in the treated area.


The Sculptra or Hyperdilute Butt Lift is a non-surgical option for patients who prefer a fast and anesthesia-free procedure or have limited body fat for a transfer. While the results are more subtle compared to surgery or implants, Sculptra can significantly enhance the appearance of the buttocks. For those seeking a much larger volume increase, surgical options or implants may be more suitable, but it's essential to consider the economic investment as well. Typically, patients receive two treatments, with the average price ranging from $2800 to $5500.


To boost your booty you will need an in person or virtual consult to discuss overall goals with you, including the shape you want to achieve.There is no downtime and you can return to your normal activities immediately treatment. However you may have some tenderness and mild bruising in the area for several days.

Because Bio-Stimulators work by triggering collagen production in your body, you won’t see immediate changes after your procedure. Instead, changes will appear gradually as your new collagen builds. You can usually expect maximum benefits within a few months, and nurse Jordan might recommend more than one session.

Results last around two years usually, requiring a touch-up (not full treatment) 18 months after the application to maintain the shape achieved. So, don’t worry — you can get the shapely behind you’ve been dreaming of, even if squats and lunges haven’t helped in the past. Pricing varies depending on desired results, patient’s body & amount of product.


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