PDO Lifting Threads

University Park- Dallas, TX

PDO threads are dissolvable sutures made of polydioxanone. These non-surgical procedures lift, tighten, and contour sagging skin. Threads are inserted strategically under the skin, stimulating collagen and promoting tissue adhesion. Results typically last 12-15 months or more.


Signs and Symptoms You Need PDO Lifting Threads

Sagging Skin

If you notice your skin losing its firmness and elasticity, PDO lifting threads can help lift and tighten areas like cheeks, jowls, and neck.

Irregular Texture

PDO threads can improve the texture of your skin by stimulating collagen production, resulting in a smoother and more youthful appearance.


When you experience loose or slack skin, PDO threads can provide a noticeable lift and contour, restoring a firmer and more sculpted look.

Fine Lines

PDO lifting threads can reduce the appearance of fine lines, giving you a smoother complexion and a rejuvenated appearance.

Loss of Volume

If you have areas with reduced volume, PDO threads can help volumize and restore the natural fullness of your skin.

Dull Skin

PDO lifting threads promote increased microcirculation, enhancing blood flow and bringing back the healthy glow to your skin.


PDO Lifting Threads

A thread lift is a minimally-invasive procedure done to correct sagging eyebrows and eyelids, aging neck tissues, and deep furrows between the nose and corners of the mouth, or “nasolabial folds.” They can also define the jawline and reduce the submental (double chin) area. It can add volume while elevating certain areas of the face and jowls.


The thread lift procedure involves local anesthesia to numb the skin. A small needle creates an entry point, and a PDO thread is inserted under the skin using a blunt-tip cannula. The thread is anchored, providing a 30-50% lift with immediate and gradual results over 3-6 months. This non-surgical treatment takes 30-60 minutes and may cause mild discomfort, swelling, bruising, or bleeding. Post-treatment care instructions will be provided to ensure a smooth recovery.


The recovery time can be as little as two to three days. Most patients have mild swelling, soreness & possible bruising after the treatment that can last 5-14 days. During the recovery period physical activity should be limited as much as possible to reduce the risk of the threads slipping out of place.


Rhino Thread Lift

Nose thread lifting is a non-surgical procedure with minimal downtime. Local anesthesia is used, and threads are inserted using a cannula to achieve desired results. The treatment can elevate the nasal bridge, contour the nose, and lift the tip. Effects are subtle but can enhance facial balance. There is no downtime, with possible soreness and a small scab at the injection site. Avoid cardio for 5 days after treatment.


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