EmSculpt neo

University Park- Dallas, TX

EmSculpt NEO is the latest non-invasive body contouring device, using HIFEM to stimulate intense muscle contractions for body sculpting and Radiofrequency to eliminate excess fat. In just 30 minutes, the treatment strengthens muscles beyond a typical workout, with no downtime. Results are visible immediately, but maximum results are seen three months post-treatment. Plan ahead for optimal results.


Signs and Symptoms You Need EmSculpt neo

Stubborn Fat Deposits

If you have areas of stubborn fat that are resistant to diet and exercise, EmSculpt NEO can help eliminate them by using Radiofrequency to destroy excess fat.

Muscle Weakness

If you struggle with muscle weakness or lack of tone in certain areas, EmSculpt NEO can strengthen and tone those muscles through high-intensity electromagnetic energies (HIFEM).

Body Contouring

If you desire body contouring without undergoing surgery, EmSculpt NEO offers a non-invasive option to sculpt and shape your body.

Extensive Workouts

If you find it challenging to commit to lengthy workout sessions at the gym, EmSculpt NEO's 30-minute treatment can provide equivalent muscle contractions.

Immediate Results

EmSculpt NEO offers visible results immediately after the treatment, making it an attractive option for those seeking quick improvements.

Seeking Long-lasting Results

With EmSculpt NEO, results can continue to improve for up to three months after the treatment, providing long-lasting benefits for body sculpting and fat reduction.


EmSculpt NEO by BTL Aesthetics

Looking for your desired "body goals" can be challenging, even with strict diet and exercise. Stubborn fat in certain areas, lack of time for intense workouts, and hormonal factors can hinder progress. However, there is hope with advanced cosmetic technology like EmSculpt NEO. This treatment offers both permanent fat destruction and muscle building for a slimmer and more toned body. At Body Lounge Park Cities, our goal is to help patients look, feel, and move better, and EmSculpt NEO allows us to achieve this for our clients.


Emsculpt NEO induces supramaximal contractions, which are also known as “superhuman” contractions. The treatment uses HIFEM energy which induces more than 20,000 contractions in the glutes. To manually accomplish this, a person would have to do 20,000 squats. Both men and women turn to Emsculpt NEO because it enhances and strengthens their physique in a superhuman way impossible to achieve through manual gym exercise alone. It helps with lift, shape & tone of the buttocks.

60% of women and 90% of men are interested in one or both - fat reduction and muscle toning treatments.

EMSCULPT NEO is the first non-invasive device designed to eliminate fat cells and build muscle non-invasively by a unique combination of radiofrequency heating & HIFEM in a sinale 30-minute treatment session.


Different Treatments with EmSculpt neo

EmSculpt NEO treatment is designed to target specific areas of the body to help with body contouring and muscle toning. It can be used on various body parts, including:

  1. Abdomen: To help tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles and reduce stubborn belly fat.

  2. Buttocks: To lift and firm the gluteal muscles for a more sculpted appearance.

  3. Thighs: To tone and strengthen the quadriceps and hamstrings while reducing excess fat.

  4. Arms: To enhance muscle definition and reduce fat in the upper arms.

  5. Calves: To strengthen and define the calf muscles.

These areas can be treated individually or combined to achieve overall body sculpting and toning. It's essential to consult with a qualified provider to determine the best treatment plan based on your specific goals and body characteristics.

What Our Customers Say



Don't wait to start your journey towards enhanced wellness and rejuvenation. Our dedicated team at Body Lounge is ready to guide you every step of the way. Take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you - book your appointment with us today!